What is really going on inside, and what is needed in order for you to be/have/experience the things you long for?

Be it love, pleasure, a relationship, better sex, deeper connection, more joy or sense of wonder in life.

I help you understand what is really going on in your body and psyche and help you integrate or transform those things so you can thrive.

There are many things that could hold us back from experiencing the kind of love and pleasure that we long for.

Perhaps you feel low on energy and libido, and sex isn’t something that really excites you.

Perhaps you experience pain or numbness during sex and it makes it hard to really connect intimately with your partner and you want to be able to experience deep states of pleasure and sexual connection that inspire and enliven you.

Perhaps you are in a space of grief, darkness or heartbreak and need support in that experience.

Or perhaps you simply feel disconnected from your pleasure and sexuality and want to re-connect and discover your own version of sexual thriving.

My dream is to help you cultivate a vibrant, joyous experience of your pleasure and sexuality, to support you in deepening into love and creating relationships that feel fulfilling, and to feel alive and radiant with your own unique colours that you bring to the world.

Essentially, to help you bring your dreams and fantasies to life as much as possible!

Olivia's Work

  • Trauma Informed

    I am able to recognise and understand trauma and how it impacts a person's life. I am not specialised in treating trauma, but am able to support my clients with gentle healing and seeking deeper support when needed.

  • Somatic/Body Based

    A strong focus on working with the wisdom of your body to understand what may be subconsciously or unconsciously impacting your experience in sex and relationships, and supporting you in gently shifting it so you can experience things differently.

  • Pleasure and Desire Focused

    Rather than focusing on the things you struggle with, we focus on what you want and work through the blocks that come up along the way. My work recognises that you are whole and perfect just as you are, and any "work" we do is only to support you towards your dreams!

My work is a combination of embodiment exercises, somatic awareness, ancient tantric and taoist wisdom backed by modern day science and psychology, designed to connect the brain and body to create lasting, tangible transformation.