My Queendom Come…

My signature group coaching program

A 3 month journey into the wisdom and wonder of your body to support a vibrant sexuality full of love and pleasure.

Feel more embodied and free in your sexuality.

Experience more connection, love and peace within yourself.

Transform pain and numbness into pleasure.

Open to more turn on and energy.


  • Through supporting and nourishing your nervous system so it’s in a state to receive pleasure and be open to desire.

  • Through conscious, targeted relaxation of your pelvic floor through a trauma informed lens to help you integrate the emotional blocks that may be impacting the tension in your body.

  • Through building a relationship of trust and acceptance with your body and your emotions so you can be open to feeling all the goodness that may be hidden under the unprocessed feelings.

  • Through simple somatic exercises that activate sensate awareness and increased pleasure potential.

  • Through helping you become more embodied, grounded and connected with your sensations and sexual experience.

  • Through cultivating sexual energy and exploring the ancient practice of the jade egg from the taoist tradition, known for supporting women in cultivating a thriving, healthy sexuality.

  • Through harnessing the power of your imagination to create a new story of your sexuality and pleasure, and how you experience that in your relationships.

Program Structure

Program Structure

Weekly Practices

Each week you will receive a simple, transformational practice or tool to try at home in your own time. This encourages learning and integrating new habits that support your journey towards deeper connection and pleasure.

Fortnightly Live Immersions (6 in total)

To go deeper and explore additional practices. These calls will be a space for deeper experiences and transformation. At the end of each call there will be a short space for questions and the opportunity to receive 1:1 coaching through whatever you are wanting support with.

Monthly Group Support and Connection Calls (3 in total)

This is all about connecting and embracing this journey together. There will be targeted time to ask your questions and receive personalised support for what you are experiencing during the program. This program is limited to 10 people so that each of you will get the opportunity for 1:1 support and coaching from me.


Going on this journey within the container of a group can be so nourishing for the desire for community, support and connection. This is intended to be a space of safety, acceptance, support and encouragement.


Begins: February 27th 2025

Final Call: May 22nd 2025

Price: $800

Location: Zoom (online)

Spaces limited to 10 people

You will receive recordings of the calls for those who can’t make it live!


Sign up before December 13th to receive a free private 1:1 session with me during the program.