
Desire is what drives us. The wanting, the longing, for something or someone.

Desire is a powerful force in and of itself, and it extends far beyond the context of sex. To want something, to feel passionate about something, to hope for something; that is a desire.

How many of us truly allow ourselves to want things in life? How many times do you see the house of your dreams and say “yea sure, in another life maybe”, how many times have we toyed with the idea of writing a book, being an actress, being a professional sportsman, having a relationship that brings us complete wonder, love and joy, and then shrugged it aside and gone back to the daily reality that feels far from the life we dreamed of?

Many of us have become so disheartened and defeated, wondering where our spark went. So I wonder, when did you stop dreaming? What caused you to stop believing in yourself and the wonder of life?

What is your deepest hearts desire? Get quiet now, don’t talk over yourself, really listen. What is the deepest calling that your soul wants to express and experience? It can be as simple as breathing and enjoying life.

Once you find it, don’t let anything tell you it’s not possible. Anything. All your reasons, beliefs, fears, excuses, buts and what if’s, let every single one of them float away and allow your desire to be your north star.

Now follow it.

So many women expect themselves to consistently feel sexual desire and expect their bodies to naturally feel turned on when the time comes. But how can we expect ourselves to feel turned on and excited in the bedroom if we aren’t honouring and nurturing our desires in daily life?

Our sexual energy is directly connected to everything we do. In the ancient Taoist tradition it is the life force energy of each individual, fuelling every action, organ, system and emotion. When we shut this aspect of ourselves down in shame, neglect, or whatever other reason, we disconnect from our pure, innate and incredibly powerful energy of creation. Our desire awakens when we listen to it, when we let it flow, feed it, celebrate it.

When we own our desire we know where we are going, and when we understand that our desire itself can take us there, we experience the power of surrendering to the journey.




The Power of Vulnerability