The Power of Vulnerability


Vulnerability is not weakness, it is the gateway to deep love and true intimacy.

When it comes to love and relationships our vulnerability can be our greatest superpower. Being open and honest about how you feel, what you’re afraid of or what you long for, you allow people to see the real you. And what else are we seeking if not to be loved for who we are?


To love someone fully takes opening your heart fully, and in doing so you risk being hurt. To love means to care, and to care means there is a chance of being let down, or hurt. We are human after all. But to me it is a risk worth taking. Because if love has taught me anything it is that every emotion is as beautiful as the next, every emotion is teach you something, and experiencing that pure, deep love and intimacy is the greatest experience I have ever had.

When you show your so called “weaknesses” and insecurities to the people you love, it starts a catalyst for healing and integrating all of those things. You find that you can still be loved despite them, or more often because of them, and you start to truly love yourself for who you are. It creates true wholeness and security to face the darkness and be ok with it, and to show that to the one you love gives them permission to do the same. To open to their own fears and wounds, to have someone hold them through the things that haunt them or worry them. You take away the layers until it’s just you and your lover at your very core, no walls or facades to hide behind, and this is what paves the way for a relationship based on genuine understanding, support and intimacy.




Finding Wholeness Through Heartache